Wednesday, October 31, 2012

FOUND: Kurt Cobain's Demos of Live Through This

Cobain's curiously titled "On a farm" tape

For years it's been speculated that Kurt Cobain wrote all the songs for courtney that would make up Hole's Live Through This. How did a no-talent, failed actress, ex-stripper star fucker write such a great album?

She didn't.

The bedroom audio tape of Cobain's Live Through This demos and the torn out pages from Cobain's journal complaining about "writing songs for and producing [my wife's] horrible Slits cover band" have been allegedly kept under lock and key by Love since the mid 90's.

I came across this smoking gun (all apologies) at an estate sale in San Bernardino of one of Love's former lawyers. It was sold to me along with a handful of other Hole demos in a Prada shoebox labeled "Sympathy Tapes." The only other gem in the bunch is a mislabeled Smiths tape. The rest are unlistenable demos of Love originals.